This week, it’s a video of a piece I composed and performed for Ghostbird Theatre Company’s 2017 24 Hour Challenge (and you can read a little about the prompt and more on the challenge here). The piece is called ” 24 Hours Without A Sail…it isn’t safe.” I’ve posted a little bit about it on social media (such as Instagram). It was a really cool experience (slightly terrifying, but good terrifying!). When I signed up to participate in the challenge, I was not expecting to win; I thought it would be a good networking opportunity. Well, I was awarded the prize for best musical performance!
P.S. Check out the Music Monday archives here.
Barbara Fischer runs Fischarper, LLC and loves her job as a harpist and private music educator. She enjoys blogging about various aspects of the music field on For more music resources, check out the Fischarper Teachers Pay Teachers Store and Making Harp Lessons Exciting For Young Children, written by Bambi Fischer (Barbara’s mom!) and revised and edited by Barbara. You can connect with Barbara all over the interwebs on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Barbara Fischer runs Fischarper, LLC and loves her job as a harpist and private music educator. She enjoys blogging about various aspects of the music field on For more music resources, check out the Fischarper store. Find out where you can find Barbara on the interwebs here. And you can sign up to receive Fischarper updates by joining the email list.