Today I’m sharing some of my favorite harp books!
Admittedly, I tend to stick to books that I used as a student. Part of it is that they’re familiar. Maybe I can be a little resistant to change sometimes too. Plus I’m sentimental. What can I say?
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Below, find an assortment of harp books linked. Most are pretty beginning harp books. Many of the links are affiliate (hey, this is quite the affiliate-linking opportunity…which might have been part of the inspiration for this post….)
Step by Step by Suzanne Balderston
I love this book for young beginning students. Yes, it’s a book that I used. I still remember the words & notes for the “CDE Song.”
The pictures are a fun opportunity for students to color & make the book their own as well.
Also, one of my mom’s students used that book, & then her daughter used it with me! Isn’t that sweet?
Betty Paret’s First Harp Book
Ever have students who were born after the penciled-in date in a book you had as a kid? Ya, me too.
One of the things that I like about this book is that the pieces are short. This way, students (& teacher!) can see progress more easily than with longer pieces.
I used this book as a kid (not sure if I finished it), & my mom used it with some of her students…which is how I ended up using it.
Teach Yourself to Play the Folk Harp* by Sylvia Woods
You can also check out Sylvia Woods playing some of the pieces on the Harp Center YouTube channel.
After using this book with my students, I’d recommend it as a second harp book. Some of the pieces can get pretty tricky pretty quickly, especially if the student is new to music in general.
On Playing the Harp* by Yolanda Kondonassis
I used this book in college. It combines exercises with interesting information for the whole harpist.
This would be a supplemental book, & is geared more for the pedal harpist. However, I’m sure lever harpers could find some bits in it too!
Making Harp Lessons Exciting For Young Children
This book written by my mom, Bambi Fischer, & edited by yours truly isn’t a method book, but it’s a helpful resource too!
Standard of Excellence Music Theory & History Workbook*
Another non-method book, I like this book because it includes an intro to music history. It’s geared more for the band student, but students of other instruments can learn from it as well.
A Few I’d Like to Try
The Step by Step Theory Workbook by Suzanne Balderston
I’ve never used this theory book, but I’d like to check it out sometime.
Fun from the First!* by Samuel Milligan
I’ve had a little experience with this one, but it hasn’t really been a go-to yet. I wouldn’t mind trying it out with students more, & it might become one!
One of the trickiest levels for me when it comes to picking out a beginner harp method book is the middle/high school beginner. I was afraid they’d think it was too juvenile, but I’ve had students who enjoy the Betty Paret book, so that’s what I’ll probably lean toward for the time being or maybe Fun from the First!* by Samuel Milligan.

Choosing an beginning adult harp book can also be a little tricky too. I might try the Samuel Milligan book* for that level as well.
What are your favorite books for teaching? Let me know in the comments, & we can have a conversation on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter too!
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Barbara Fischer runs Fischarper, LLC and loves her job as a harpist and private music educator. She enjoys blogging about various aspects of the music field on For more music resources, check out the Fischarper store. Find out where you can find Barbara on the interwebs here. And you can sign up to receive Fischarper updates by joining the email list.
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say great blog!
Thank you! I’m sorry about the technical difficulty!